Rustic Lodge Soaps is a local artisan that specializes in handmade soaps. The business is located in the Montford Cove area of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. The soap maker operates on their family homestead, where they have a garden and raise livestock to feed their family.
The business is owned and operated by Erin Harris. She started making soaps in January 2018 after using handmade soap for the first time! Erin started with a batch of simple lard soap and instantly knew it was something she really enjoyed! Today she has moved onto a wider variety of materials and products, allowing her to create products that appeal to a wider range of scent preferences and skin types.

It takes Rustic Lodge Soaps 4-6 weeks to mix, mold, cure, and package a batch of their homemade soap. Their soaps use high-quality, natural inputs that include beef and pork tallow from their grass-fed cows and pigs, natural unrefined cocoa butter, olive oil, sustainable palm oil, apricot kernel oil, and locally sourced goat milk! Tallow (marbled white animal fat) based soaps allow Rustic Lodge Soaps to produce a high-quality soap with the byproduct of processing their livestock.
When you buy from Rustic Lodge Soaps you’re buying from a true family business; Erin gets her four kids involved in the process and hopes to pass the soap-making bug and business down to one or more of her little ones. Each bar, bottle, and jar is individually packaged and produced in small batches with great attention to detail.

Rustic Lodge Soaps creates soaps, salt scrubs, solid lotions, hand sanitizer, bath bombs, candles, body butter, crocheted washcloths, and more. They are planning to add an “all-natural” line this Spring using dried herbs and flowers from their garden.
To learn more about Rustic Lodge Soaps or to order a custom batch, follow them on Facebook or email Erin at